The PHYRE DOJO's Ultimate Guide To The S.T.E.A.M. Universe Of Wood Phyrction PhyreKeeping
The Phryction PhyreKeepers' "Place Of The Way."
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Discovering, Understanding, Training and Transmitting
ALL of Humanity's KNOWN Methods of Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping ... Is Just The Beginning .
Let me just get this out of the way: I have basically created for you all that which I would have wanted to have had when I was a kid starting out. The Universe of Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping is a mosaic that you yourself have to piece together from multiple sources without any guidance as Why, What and How it all makes sense in a flowing fashion that is sustainable. I present to you all my Life-Time aggregation of knowledge, skills and experience up this point in my Life.
(Just to clarify, ANY & ALL Primitive Methods that involve
are taught here.
What IS NOT taught, is any other way of Fire-Making such as:
(FL) - Focused Light (Magnifying Glass)
(FP) Fire Piston/Plunger - Air Compression
(FR) - Fire Roll (Rudiger Roll)
(FS) Flint & Steel - Percussion
Magnesium, Batteries, etc.
Although they are shown at the end just for fun and reference.
A quick story for perspective: Back in the late 1980's, in my early 20's, I had the incredible opportunity with some other friends to take a Stone Tool making course with a Master, Dr. Errett Callahan ( I practiced and went through as much obsidian as I possibly could before the course so that I would limit my time with him asking him any truly basic problems that were just easily solved by just some experience. By having given myself some foundational understanding, I got way more out of the course by not showing up completely "green." Anyway, I came away from the course not only having seen skills, tools, techniques, and an overall aggregation of knowledge and experience offering such vast future potential all in one place that far surpassed what I had hoped to get out of the course, I came away with this pearl of wisdom from Dr. Callahan:
"You have to decide: Do you want to just make arrowheads?
Or, Do you want to learn how to make Stone Tools?"
If I may translate what he said into why you're here reading about this Phryction PhyreKeeping course:
"Do you want to be able to just light a (Hand Drill, Bow Drill, etc.) fire?
Or, Do you want to Master the Universe of Phryction PhyreKeeping?
The former questions ask if you desire quick, short term performances that may impress others and give you a quick sense of satisfaction. The latter questions ask if you're still going to be picking up Phryction PhyreKeeping devices and still be fascinated with learning and improving over a lifetime of discoveries regardless of who or no one is watching.
Although this course is designed to answer the latter, if
you desire the former, I will not turn you away. But, there is a REASON why
this is the Phyre DOJO. Much like the structure and function of a martial arts
dojo (which is my background), the idea is that this is a Life-Long "Place
of the Way" (Japanese translation of "DoJo"). I make you this promise: Your Journey will be shorter than mine was & it will be challenging.
Phyre Dojo’s PhyreKeeper S.T.E.A.M. Vision
It is my personal opinion that Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping is an untapped source of how we look at the "new" S.T.E.A. M. movement. It is "Primitive" ST.E.A.M. (Frankly, I think and feel that S.T.E.A.M. is only a much better and clearer description and definition of what we have always known as "Science.")
So, for clarification, PhyreKeepers strive to Master their craft, in order to care for their Tribe :
Through Scientific Method,
Creating Functional Technology,
Engineering Built Structures,
With innovative Artistry,
Using Mathematical measurements.
What the Heck is a "Hiden Denki Densho" and a "MokuRoku"?!
I sincerely apologize that as a Teacher I have the tendency to do and go into "long-form" explanations as I am an advocate of clarity, truth, honesty and transparency. I take it very seriously to not give anyone an excuse to accuse me of hypocrisy. I have a tendency to try to "get in front of" these problems before they can begin.
Back in 2010 when I decided I was going to create this, I wanted to create a media where I can transmit to others ALL that I wanted to do and say without restriction in the best and clearest way possible that also minimized misinterpretations and taking things out of context as people tend to do.
Another quick story for perspective: I used to teach at a major wilderness survival school (Senior Instructor, Tracker School, 1996-2001), When I first came to work there in 1996, I was the "low man on the totem pole," so I got the lectures that the instructors already there didn't want. One of those talks was "Primitive Cooking." It was supposed to be a 45 minute lecture which was drawn on the markerboard inside the classroom (a barn) with descriptions. I could hardly get through explaining ANY of the methods of cooking outside without our time being taken up by dozens of questions. Quickly, I began to realize that I need to give everyone there "what I would've wanted and needed." And, I was in fact, in that very position to be able to do so! I began introducing visual aids such as bringing out a real clay-baked fish from the oven in the house and braking it open and feeding the class. I began taking a clear glass coffee carafe and placing red hot rocks from the outside fire into it and demonstrating hot rock water boiling. And it got better from there. Eventually, I took the entire class outside and demonstrated every method in front of them. The results? ZERO QUESTIONS! Why? Because I had brought the principles from my martial arts dojo training into my school. Whenever my martial arts sensei (teachers) taught something, they NEVER just talked about it, they SHOWED us, and they showed us THEMSELVES, which was clear evidence proving the fact that it was not only true but that it can be done by anyone! Reproducible, Empirical Evidence.
How was I going to do the same with Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping to anyone, anywhere in the world, at anytime??? I came up with the idea of the Hiden Denki Densho and the MokuRoku. My background is in a Japanese martial art called the Bujinkan. (
In old traditional Japanese martial arts, techniques and knowledge are transmitted person to person over many years with the aid of "DenSho" (Japanese translation: Transmission, Written.) Simply and quickly, densho are scrolls of paper that contain a collection of techniques and knowledge. Sometimes densho have "MokuRoku." Simply and quickly, mokuroku translates as "Eye, Record." In simple English, this translates to Index or Outline or Manual. Also, "Hiden" translated from Japanese means: Hidden or Secret. "Denki" translated from Japanese just means: Electric or Electronic.
So that you're understanding what PhyreDojo is offering,
you're getting PhyreDojo's "Trade Secret, Video, Transmission" or
"Hiden Denki Densho" (HDD) with it's accompanying Outline Index
Manual, or "MokuRoku." The WHOLE PhyreDojo Lineage.
What you are getting when you are ordering the PhyreDojo's
The HIDEN DENKI DENSHO Continuing Video Media Series and its MOKUROKU Outline Catalog contains anything and everything I’ve done in regards to taking the Universe of Phryction PhyreKeeping as far as I can take it (and I’m not done yet!)
The HDD & MOKUROKU begins with unpacking some information and then dives into the World’s Known Universe of the Phryction PhyreKeeping Methods & Techniques along with multiple variations.
The 2nd Half of the HDD & MOKUROKU then dares to go where many have never dared or dreamed of in the creation and problem solving of Phryction PhyreKeeping Methods and Techniques. In fact, they all had to be given their own unique names and classifications.
The HDD & MOKUROKU is a continuing, ongoing media series in that as long as you have a Membership (and it is a ONE-TIME, LIFE-LONG MEMBERSHIP,) you will always receive all the new content immediately available and you will be notified that it has been made available.
Although the Phyre Dojo officially came into existence in August of 2010, the HDD & MOKUROKU represents a Journey I have been taking since I was 11 years old (1979) in understanding, gathering, teaching and training in the Science & Art of Phryction PhyreKeeping.
Presently, the available HDD Video Media Series TOTAL TIME (TO DATE) IS OVER 96 HOURS. Meaning that, if you were to watch the entire HDD Series as it stands NOW, you would be watching for 4 straight days!
Members who Email me with questions take priority over all other communications from other people.
(I might even Facebook Messenger Video Chat with you in order to better solve a Phryction Phyre problem in real time.)
- Section 1 – Introduction and Disclaimer
- S2 – Hiden Denki Densho (Outline)
- S3 – Personal History
- S4 – The Phryction Phyre Dojo – What we are & What we’re NOT.
- S5 – The Needs for and of Phryction PhyreKeeping (WHY)
- S6 – The TAO of LAU and the CORE 4 Theories (WHY)
- S7 – The PhyreKeepers’ & Prometheus’ Principles
- S8 – The Phyre Hearth
- S9 – The Tipi Phyre & Phuels
- S10 – The Phryction Phyre Dojo’s Method Classification & Organizational List
The Primal 8 Basics (PBs)
- S11 – PB1 – (HD) HAND Drill (Basics Part 1)
- S12 – The 22 Phryction Phyre Variables
- S13 – PB1 – (HD) HAND Drill (Advanced Part 2)
- S14 – PB2 – (MD) MOUTH Drill & Variations
- S15 – PB3 – (BD) BOW Drill & Variations
- (CD) CRUTCH Drill
- (GD) GIANT Drill
- S16 – PB4 – (PD) PUMP Drill & Variations
- S17 – PB5 – (TD) TOGGLE Drill & Variations
- S18 – PB6 – (PP) Phyre PLOW & Variations
- S19 – PB7 – (PS) Phyre SAW & Variations
- S20 – PB8 – (PT) Phyre THONG & Variations
The Civilized (Drill) Variations
- S21 – (CV1) – (AD) ALEXA’s Drill
- S22 – (CV2) – (DD) DAKKAR Drill
- S23 – (CV3) – (FD) FLY Drill
- S24 – (CV4) – (ID) INCANTATION Drill
- S25 – (CV5) – (JD) JACOB’s Drill
- S26 – (CV6) – (KD) KIKAIDER Drill
- S27 – (CV7) – (LD) LATHE Drill
- S28 – (CV8) – (ND) NANO Drill
- S29 – (CV9) – (OD) OAR Drill
- S30 – (CV10) – (QD) QAPLA Drill
- S31 – (CV11) – (RD) RIG Drill
- S32 – (CV12) – (SD) SEESAW Drill
- S33 – (CV13) – (UD) UBER Drill
- S34 – (CV14) – (VD) VISE Drill
- S35 – (CV15) – (WD) WHEEL Drill
- S36 – (CV16) – (XD) XYLO Drill
- S37 – (CV17) – (YD) YOYO Drill
- S38 – (CV18) – (ZD) ZEPHYR Drill
The Civilized (Linear) Variations
- S39 – (CV19) – (PB) Phyre BELT
- S40 – (CV20) – (PC) Phyre CROSSBOW
- S41 – (CV21) – (PG) Phyre GLIDE
- S42 – (CV22) – (PR) Phyre RIBBON
- S43 – (CV23) – (PU) Phyre UBER
- S45 – PHYREHACKING PARTS 1, 2, 3, 4
Consider HOW this "Universe" is being transmitted to you.
- The most complete encyclopedic version of this subject anywhere in the World of EVERY METHOD IN THE WORLD. (Go ahead and look. Let me and the rest of the world know if there is something better!)
- Dozens of UNIQUE SUCCESSFUL Techniques and Methods (called "The Civilized Variations") you've NEVER seen or heard of before. Hypotheses, Theories and Questions SOLVED!
- No one else teaches the "Humphrey Equation Method" (Structure/Variables/Function) that not only allows you to solve ALL PhyreKeeping challenges, but can be applied to ALL challenges in your life. A Complete Understanding of the PhyreDojo's "22 Variables" to problem solve and "hack" ALL Phyrction PhyreKeeping Devices and attain Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping!
- Contains the realistic and practical Duality of BOTH Primitive (Traditional) & Modern.
- Always maintains Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping's Original and Main PURPOSE: TO SAVE LIVES! Moral & Ethics based as a Life Supporting Vocation.
- Completely TRANSCRIBED for clear understanding but also for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired! (I don't know about you, but I "read" all my subtitled DVD movies.)
- Moves you from clear Foundational Basics to more challenging Variations on the road to Mastery. (Like in learning to play a musical instrument from Scales to Jazz. Like in learning a new language from "This is a pen." to Fluency!)
- An Organizational and Classification System for a more linear structure of learning. Glossary of new terms for understanding the S.T.E.A.M. of PhyreKeeping Methods and Techniques. Introducing the 5 Drill progression of "More Devices, Less Effort" Clarification.
- Dozens of different practical examples of Plants, Woods, and even Grasses (Bamboo!) in hundreds of variations.
- Based on the working model of a "Dojo" for Transmitting Teaching and Training.
- Informal and personal workshop with "hands-on," classroom-like style. I have a NO B.S. attitude when it comes to teaching "Matter of Life & Death" skills. If something doesn't or can't work, let's clarify the Why, How and What to Balance the results in favor of Life/Living. We are playing and existing within the Laws of Nature and Physics, and these Laws can NEVER be broken. Ever.
Always remember: I am at the other end of your email. [email protected]
Your "Return On Investment" (ROI): The "Bottom Line"
You might want to consider the following:
NO Hotel & Food Costs.
NO Travel Expenses (Both TIME & $).
NO taking time off of work.
You OWN it. Available to you 24/7 (with internet access).
Do at YOUR PACE, ANYWHERE in the World.
If you've ever taken a wilderness skills course before, consider that most workshops require an entire weekend just to teach a "basic" understanding of one technique with no variations. That's A LOT of Time, Energy and especially $$$ to get only a piece of a piece of a piece. THAT'S WHAT I DID. In my opinion, Your (Life)Time is way more valuable than $. Your (Life)Time is finite.
Let's save YOU from having to do THAT!
"RANKS" in the PhyreDojo
I agree with The Karate Kid's Mr. Miyagi when he says, "...Belt mean no need rope to hold up pants."
(Also, I fully expect NO ONE to do this, but, if you want to make it OFFICIAL, I will, IF YOU WILL. We will discuss the video proof details upon request only.)
In the Bujinkan martial arts tradition, there are 4 main SERIES of ranks: White, Green, Black and Shihan ( over a Life-Time journey.
The PhyreDojo borrows from this tradition and its "Ranks" are clarified in the following:
("White Belt" to) "Green Belt"
- Prove (which means: UNEDITED VIDEO) ability to list ALL of PhyreDojo's "22 Variables for Balancing Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping" along with explaining the "Structure/Variables/Function, Left/Right, Humphrey Equation Method."
- Prove to have successfully made each, and have successfully gotten a coal from ALL 15 Basic Methods of Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping:
Hand Drill (HD)
Mouth Drill (MD)
Mouth Toggle Drill (MTD)
Mouth Bow Drill (MBD)
Bow Drill (BD)
Egyptian Drill (ED)
Crutch Drill (CD)
Giant Drill (GD)
Pump Drill (PD)
(2 Person) Toggle Drill (TD2)
(1 Person) Toggle Drill (TD1)
Phyre Plow (PP)
Phyre Saw (PS)
Phyre Thong (PT)
Fire Drill of the Gauchos
- Prove to have demonstrated these 15 Basic Methods in front of a group either publicly or privately at least (3) THREE TIMES.
("Green Belt" to) "Black Belt"
- Prove to have successfully gotten coals with ALL of these 15 Basic Methods EACH with (10) TEN new and different harvested materials from the outdoors. One of the new and different (10) TEN materials MUST be BAMBOO for EACH & EVERY Method. You may choose any materials other than the ones originally used for "Green Belt."
- Prove that you have gotten (3) THREE people to have successfully gotten coals with each of the 15 Basic Methods.
- Prove that these (3) THREE people have the ability to list ALL of PhyreDojo's "22 Variables for Balancing Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping" along with explaining the "Structure/Variables/Function, Left/Right, Humphrey Equation Method."
("Black Belt" to) Shihan (Master Teacher)
- Prove that you have successfully replicated, and demonstrated to someone, the PhyreDojo's:
Incantation Drill (ID)
Alexa Drill (AD) and/or Lathe Drill (LD)
Qapla Drill (QD)
Rig Drill (RD)
Uber Drill (UD)
Vise Drill (VD)
Wheel Drill (WD)
YoYo Drill (YD)
Phyre Glide (PG)
Phyre Ribbon (PR)
- Prove to have successfully come up with your own unique Method by solving a hypothesis problem.
Before you order:
A Sincere Apology
I'm not a videography specialist, I never claimed to be and I don't now, and factually, no one would ever say I was after seeing the evidence. This is an amateur video. It has been, and still is a learning experience for me. I didn't understand the importance of lighting and I was experimenting with my video software (Adobe Premiere Elements). The video can be sometimes not well lit, grainy, audio problems, my distractingly messy workshop backgrounds, auto lens goes out of focus...
BUT, it has and is still important to me that my demonstrations have always been EDIT FREE! Meaning, there's NEVER an edit cut and "a coal miraculously appears." If I fail, I fail, and I OWN IT. But, you are seeing, IN FULL, how everything is balanced in order to PROVE, it CAN BE DONE! So, you get what you get. That's what I would've wanted, and that's what I'm giving you all. Also, this whole project is "long form." It's DEFINITELY NOT "short form" and quick videos. It's done just as if YOU ARE IN THE ROOM WITH ME. This is a DOJO after all...
I'm making you a promise and giving you a challenge!: Whether you're ready to begin this Journey, or build upon one you've already started, you won't find a more complete and convenient media on Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping anywhere else on this planet. I "triple dog dare you" to find something better. Ready? GAMBARIMASHO YO! (Japanese for: "LET'S KEEP GOING!")
Your Instructor
Joe Lau has been practicing, training and transmitting the S.T.E.A.M. of Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping since the early 1980's. He has instructed tens of thousands from around the world in the U.S. and has taught internationally in Germany and Japan.
Here in the PhyreDojo's Hiden Denki Denso and MokuRoku, Joe Lau demonstrates and transmits everything he knows in order for you to obtain not just competency, but Mastery of Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping.
Joe Lau's Demonstrations are known to show all of the world's known methods within an hour.
Joe Lau's Workshops can have you do all of the world's known methods within a weekend (if time and materials are made readily available of course.)
Functional Sets and Online Coaching are also available.
Course Curriculum
StartHDD - P01 - S001 - Introduction, The 2 Rules of the PhyreDojo & Copyright - (00:03;01) (3:01)
StartHDD - P01 - S002 - The "Hiden Denki Densho" (HDD) & "MokuRoku" - (00:08;22) (8:22)
StartHDD - P 01 - S003 - Personal History (Joe Lau's Bio) - (00:27;04) (27:04)
StartHDD - P01 - S004 - The "Tao Of Lau" (PhyreDojo's Code of Ethics) - (00:30;36) (30:36)
StartHDD - P01 - S005 - About The Phryction PhyreDojo - (00:07;25) (7:25)
StartHDD - P01 - S006 - About The PhyreKeeper - Needs & Skills - (00:38;20) (38:20)
StartHDD - P01 - S007 - PhyreKeeper Principles & Ethics - (00:08;21) (8:21)
StartHDD - P02 - S008 - Phyre Hearth/Maintenance & Transportation - (00:11;43) (11:42)
StartHDD - P02 - S009 - Tipi Phyre & Phuels - (00:10;14) (10:14)
StartHDD - P03 - S010 - Classification & Organizational System of the HDD - (00:04;52) (4:52)
StartHDD - P04 - S011 - (PB1) Hand Drill (HD) - (Introduction To The Hand Drill) - (01:19;45) (79:45)
StartHDD - P04 - S012 - The 22 Phryction PhyreKeeping Variables - (02:47;48) (167:48)
StartHDD - P04 - S013A - (PB1) Hand Drill (HD) - (Part 1) - (01:15;49) (75:49)
StartHDD - P04 - S013B - (PB1) Hand Drill (HD) - (Part 2) - (01:01;48) (61:47)
StartHDD - P04 - S013C - (PB1) Hand Drill (HD) - (Part 3) - (00:51;00) (51:00)
StartHDD - P04 - S014A - (PB2) Mouth Drill (MD) - (Part 1) - (01:31;21) (91:21)
StartHDD - P04 - S014B - (PB2) Mouth Drill (MD) - (Part 2) - (01:09;10) (69:10)
StartHDD - P04 - S014C - (PB2) Mouth Drill (MD) & Mouth Toggle Drill (MTD) - (Part 3) - (01:07;10) (67:10)
StartHDD - P04 - S014D - The Mouth Bow Drill (MBD) Variation - (Part 4) - (00:59;55) (59:55)
StartHDD - P04 - S015A - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) - (Part 1) - (01:02;57) (62:57)
StartHDD - P04 - S015B - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) - (Part 2) - (01:27;23) (87:23)
StartHDD - P04 - S015C - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) - (Part 3) - (00:50;55) (50:55)
StartHDD - P04 - S015D - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) - (Part 4) - (01:02;32) (62:32)
StartHDD - P04 - S015E - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) - (Part 5) - (01:24;19) (84:19)
StartHDD - P04 - S015F - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) - (Part 6) - (01:25;57) (85:57)
StartHDD - P04 - S015G - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) - (Part 7) - (01:18;56) (78:55)
StartHDD - P04 - S015H - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) Variation - The Egyptian Drill (ED) - (01:25;19) (85:19)
StartHDD - P04 - S015I - End of Egyptian Drill (ED) - Start of The Crutch Drill (CD) - (01:05;21) (65:21)
StartHDD - P04 - S015J - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) Variation - The Crutch Drill (CD) - (01:03;38) (63:38)
StartHDD - P04 - S015K - (PB3) Bow Drill (BD) Variation - The Giant Drill (GD) - (01:07;45) (67:45)
StartHDD - P04 - S016A - (PB4) Pump Drill (PD) - (00:57;44) (57:44)
StartHDD - P04 - S016B - (PB4) Pump Drill (PD) - (00:40;59) (40:59)
StartHDD - P04 - S016C - (PB4) Pump Drill (PD) - (00:54;29) (54:29)
StartHDD - P04 - S016D - (PB4) Pump Drill (PD) - (00:51;38) (51:38)
StartHDD - P04 - S016E - (PB4) Pump Drill (PD) - (00:57;54) (57:54)
StartHDD - P04 - S017A - (PB5) Toggle Drill (TD) - (01:08;46) (68:46)
StartHDD - P04 - S017B - (PB5) Toggle Drill (TD) - (00:58;50) (58:49)
StartHDD - P04 - S017C - (PB5) Toggle Drill (TD) - (01:06;01) (66:01)
StartHDD - P04 - So17D - (PB5) Toggle Drill (TD) - (00:37;19) (37:19)
StartHDD - P05 - S018A - (PB6) Phyre Plow (PP) - (01:18;18) (78:18)
StartHDD - P05 - S018B - (PB6) Phyre Plow (PP) - (01:17;08) (77:08)
StartHDD - P05 - S019A - (PB7) Phyre Saw (PS) - (01:19;41) (79:41)
StartHDD - P05 - S019B - (PB7) Phyre Saw (PS) - (01:26;50) (86:50)
StartHDD - P05 - S020A - (PB8) Phyre Thong (PT) - (00:39;43) (39:43)
StartHDD - P05 - S020B - (PB8) Phyre Thong (PT) - (01:14;16) (74:16)
StartHDD - P06 - The Civilized Variations (CV) - (00:20;52) (20:52)
StartHDD - P06 - S021 - (CV) The Alexa Drill (AD) - (00:23;34) (23:34)
StartHDD - P06 - S022 - (CV) The Dakkar Drill (DD) - (00:30;40) (30:40)
StartHDD - P06 - S023 - (CV) The Fly Drill (FD) - (00:20;40) (20:40)
StartHDD - P06 - S024 - (CV) The Incantation Drill (ID) - (00:25;56) (25:56)
StartHDD - P06 - S025 - (CV) The Jacob Drill (JD) - (00:21;10) (21:10)
StartHDD - P06 - S026 - (CV) The Kikaider Drill (KD) - (01:14;05) (74:05)
StartHDD - P06 - S027 A - (CV) The Lathe Drill (LD) - (01:01;56) (61:56)
StartHDD - P06 - S028 - (CV) The Nano Drill (ND) - (00:35;37) (35:37)
StartHDD - P06 - S029 - (CV) The Oar Drill (OD) - (00:36;09) (36:09)
StartHDD - P06 - S030 - (CV) The Qapla Drill (QD) - (01:06;56) (66:57)
StartHDD - P06 - S031 - (CV) The Rig Drill (RD) - (00:30;09) (30:09)
StartHDD - P06 - S032 - (CV) The SeeSaw Drill (SD) - (00:16;06) (16:06)
StartHDD - P06 - S033 A - (CV) The Uber Drill (UD) - (01:02;38) (62:38)
StartHDD - P06 - S033 B - (CV) The Uber Drill (UD) - (01:25;24) (85:24)
StartHDD - P06 - S034 - (CV) The Vise Drill (VD) - (00:46;49) (46:49)
StartHDD - P06 - S035 A - (CV) The Wheel Drill (WD) - (01:14;15) (74:15)
StartHDD - P06 - S035 B - (CV) The Wheel Drill (WD) - (00:54;56) (54:56)
StartHDD - P06 - S036 - (CV) The Xylo Drill (XD) - (01:01;20) (61:20)
StartHDD - P06 - S037 - (CV) The YoYo Drill (YD) - (00:23;49) (23:49)
StartHDD - P06 - S038 - (CV) The Zephyr Drill (ZD) - (00:41;12) (41:12)
StartHDD - PART 07 - THE CIVILIZED VARIATIONS (CV) - The Linears - (00:14;37) (14:37)
StartHDD - P07 - S039 - (CV) The Phyre Belt (PB) - (00:10;38) (10:38)
StartHDD - P07 - S040 - (CV) The Phyre Crossbow (PC) - (00:38;23) (38:23)
StartHDD - P07 - S041 - (CV) The Phyre Glide (PG) - (00:31;00) (31:00)
StartHDD - P07 - S042 - (CV) The Phyre Ribbon (PR) - (01:00;37) (60:37)
StartHDD - P07 - S043 - (CV) The Phyre Uber (PU) - (01:18;43) (78:43)
StartHDD - P07 - S044 A - The "Fire Planes" (FP) - (01:03;54) (63:54)
StartHDD - P07 - S044 B - The "Fire Planes" (FP) - (01:10;17) (63:54)
StartHDD - P08 - So45 A - PhyreHacking - (01:06;08) (66:08)
StartHDD - P08 - S045 B - PhyreHacking - (01:11;02) (71:02)
StartHDD - P08 - So45 C - PhyreHacking - (00:57;13) (57:13)
StartHDD - P08 - S045 D - PhyreHacking - (00:27;01) (27:01)
StartHDD - P09 - So46 A - The "Sutemi" & "PreNotch" Theories - (00:45;00) (45:00)
StartHDD - P09 - S046 B - The "Sutemi" & "PreNotch" Theories - (00:47;54) (47:54)